How to Change the World Part 1: Save Humanity from Itself

This is Part One of a series of messages, warnings and predictions that are starting to occur in society, this movement is becoming even more prominent and is inevitable. Now that we know that it is irreversible, I want to share with you my knowledge, my wisdom, my foresight and solutions for many of the world’s current humanity problems and the upcoming challenges we will be facing as part of the 2012 – Year of Transition to the Golden Age.

This will not occur overnight, but is already happening. Just know that Money will cease to exist as we know it. There will be no more linear time, but for now we still speak of time having a beginning and end.



I am a lightworker who gets messages from 3-6am every night and it presents itself to me through my thoughts, words, writing, dreams or music. The energy just keeps flowing through and out of me and my words are put together in real time as the thoughts enter my mind. I would love to know who I really am, if I am communicating from my higher self or whether there is a higher power channeling through me. I had a first round of ascension symptoms appear about 9 mths after I had a spiritual awakening (2009) when I saw clarity of my life for the first time ever on top of a glacier in the Canadian Rockies. This later developed into a defining moment of freedom to love, live as I wanted to, giving and receiving love, and helping to heal others in a world that is in turmoil when I had 10 yrs of not trusting in humanity and couldn’t see the goodness around me – the dark forces were definitely more significant at that time. And then I found redemption in God, returned back to the path of light, and to live and believe in compassionate and reciprocal love – and since then I feel a divine need to live a life of love, compassion and healing others. I have always had a strong gut instinct but didn’t realize that this was my inner creativity and passionate soul trying to break free underneath all the ideology, society, Cabal control, peers, mass media, rules and systems that we are all slaves too. I always knew I needed to be a free spirit – love traveling, flying, cars, moving and never stagnating in all aspects of life.

At 30 years I had come full circle and discovered that my true being, my inner self could finally start to be unleashed through the power of writing, music, sharing through words and more. I truly believe that creativity is an organic expression of ones love, ones light and inner spiritual self and that’s why we can all be connected through music, a piece of art, sharing truthful information about our origins, and how corrupt some government bodies are for creating false scarcity in our natural resources, making us have to survive day to day by working our asses off just to make ends meet, stripping us of what really matters and that is our time, our quality time with family and friends, in finding our inner passion and giving and receiving love. I always knew that something was wrong – even from age 7-11 when I couldn’t understand why there was so much racism, global warming and conflicts in our lives – why mankind has a way of destroying itself – it made no sense whatsoever.

Fast forward to now – it all makes perfect sense. All my previous fears have been overcome now, and I see the light so clear it shines so bright that I can restore hope to myself, my loved ones and everyone universally.

I am one that chose a career in computer technology, as I knew the Internet was coming back in 1994 – I was able to make predictions on where trends were going. I knew the internet would revolutionize and offer us all freedom of speech and knowledge share. Sharing the truth without false censoring from dark governments, financial and political institutions.

I know what is happening around me, I can see a 5d point of view on any problem, issue, feeling, disaster, event, good or bad situation. I visualize the moving parts and see how everything works together to create a solution, I see that nothing is impossible when it comes to mind over matter. I have always tried for unity, peace and equality. And my logical skills have evolved into creative logic with a higher sensitivity to feel, imagine and empathize with other peoples pains and experience. I think I am blessed with a gift as I see clarity all the time. I sense things will happen and they do, and I continue to type this post as if I am receiving a dictation from another source that is within me.

It may not have any linear and grammar structure but it’s as fast as my brain is processing these thoughts into messages and how fast I can type on my iPhone.

The truth about chemtrails, poisoning our food systems, creating diseases and bacterial accidents in our water and food supply, and the false flag incidents of 9/11, 7/7 London, the weather sabotaging of Japanese tsunami, Indonesia tsunami, Haiti and chile earthquakes, fictitious credit and financial banking system will all be revealed soon!

RSPs are the biggest scams in our current society! Why not lock up your hard earned money for 30+ years, work your butt off with little to no vacation time, live in misery, try to survive while your monetary worth is literally a set of digital numbers on an online bank statement – fake numbers on a system that reassure you that you have x amount. Lock it up and get penalized when you really need it – so that a few of the corrupt people on top can spend your hard earned tangible money on their next mansion, Bentley or undercover attempt to continue their selfish indulgence.

These systems amongst many others are crashing down. The whole system of creating rules and policies is flawed. Why create a rule that punishes everyone else when really it is the handful of abusers that should be punished. Welcome to tough immigration laws, red tape and double standard government run institutions. Please stop any further deception, let’s help mother earth restore her balance and heal from the devastation humanity has caused as a result of the dark ones. Let’s all raise our consciousness to a universal LOVE that can bring abundance to all, equality, peace, love and happiness to every soul! Let’s evolve with our beautiful planet and be a part of something truly historical while we are conscious and can think for ourselves! Love you all, may the light be with you!

I am tired and just had to post my thoughts. Any feedback you have would be appreciated. This is written in haste, so please excuse errors! I am so tired now…