How to Find the Answers Once You Awaken to the Truth

This What? How? Why? real news web site offers you more 3D Earth related events pertaining to the upcoming Shift to 5D, for those unawakened, newly awakened, enlightened and more.  It breaks down the approaching events of 2012 in to consumable bite sizes that relate it back to your day-to-day life, and the mainstream news and media that you are exposed to versus your own research and seek for the hidden truth.  Here are just some of the trends that you can observe going on around you.

There are many reliable sources of information cropping up across the world wide web, the libraries of information, stories, insights, knowledge and messages from other Ascended Masters, Awakened People, Enlightened People, Galactic Federation of Light and ETs are infinite.  We are blessed to have the Internet, to have social media that comes from the people, that is the raw truth, real-time events and experiences that do not have a hidden agenda.  That have nothing but the greater good in mind.

I respect and admire my fellow enlightened brothers and sisters, warm and loving friends, spiritual guides, Earth angels, lightworkers, starseeds and more.  These sources of information will help you answer the following questions, and for you to discover the hidden truth in your Earth lives, and to realize that this change is bigger than all of us, that this is a natural and divine plan of the world we live in, and that it is about a Universal Consciousness – that we are all connected by one common source, and that we are united as ONE spirit.

Seek the Human Truth, how we are all connected from One Source, One Spirit. How our chakras, endocrine glands are effected by the stars, planets and dimension alignments. How our cell atomic structure is a direct correlation of planetary and galaxy structures. How our moods are determined by solar flare activity, planetary and star alignment – mercury retrogade, venus, jupiter and mars as well as orion’s belt and sirius! And how free energy is within each of us, all around us, in abundance from the electromagnetic waves of high frequency energy vibrations. Bridging between the 3D day-to-day life and 5D evolution. Namaste!

How do I prepare for the Evolution of Earth and Mankind?  Check out another post on how people are preparing for the evolution to 5D, some are not even aware of the shift, but these trends are happening to many people in 3D day-to-day life.

What is the step-by-step Planetary and Personal Ascension Guide?  Download this free ebook/pdf guide that explains the ascension process in layman terms.  It provides a step-by-step outline on how you can prepare for the coming ascension of Mother Earth and your personal ascension.  Help yourself be prepared for the upcoming events so that you are not phased by it or overwhelmed when it does happen.

Will I actually Die on December 21, 2012?  What Happens to those that Don’t Ascend?

How do I overcome my deepest Fears, feelings of Vulnerability during these Dark Events on Earth?  Keep reading the channeled messages from our various Galactic Federation of Light family, their intentions are for the greater good of the universe, and are implementing God’s divine plan.

What is Happening to my Friend or Loved One who has Awakened? Download this free ebook / pdf by Sandra Walter to learn more about what is happening to your loved ones, friends or family members who have already spiritually awakened?

What are the Key Dates for Cosmic and Planetary Activity leading up to December 21, 2012?  Take a look at this blog by Aluna Joy which breaks down the events and milestones by key dates leading up to the Ascension.

Sandra Walter has a clear and concise explanation of the shift, creative consciousness, ascension symptoms and the ascension process.  I would recommend her as a credited source of information.  Check out all of her very informative and insightful blogs at:

What are the Basic Ascension Symptoms?  Emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually?

What are the Advanced Ascension Symptoms?

An update on Ascension Symptoms

What is the Ascension Process?

The 2012 Scenario have an extensive selection of blogs, articles, broadcasts and most importantly channeled messages that is a good way to stay informed on a universal level, a global standpoint, worldly events, day-to-day life events and more.

Enlightened Living has a variety of blogs, articles, broadcasts and channeling messages around the evolution of Mother Earth, humanity and specific focus on lightworkers.