What is your Light Body?

The light body is what we naturally are.

The light body is the fundamental and basic energy that created us and gives us strength. It represents love, connection, optimism, trust, enthusiasm, and an infinite sense of freedom. It is a force flowing with life, not against it. And the good news is that it abounds.

The light body is in:

the cycle of the seasons,
the orbit of the planets,
the irrefutable order of the universe,
our heartbeat and breathing,
the processes that heal and maintain our body.

20120413-021828.jpgWhen this energy flows freely and unobstructed through all the body-mind system, we can have access to it. Perhaps you have already experienced that. We feel the light body when we simply enjoy something, when we are peaceful or calm without any motive, when we feel love without any apparent reason. The light body loves, shares, plays, dances, creates, is grateful, enjoys music, children, tranquility, nature, and animals. Looking at the open, innocent eyes of babies we can connect with what we really are in the depth of our being, under or before the layers of contracted energy that generated the pain body. If you spend some time watching babies, or in contact with nature or animals, and are present to what is happening to your body, you’ll have a great preview of your light body. You will notice that when the personality (or self-image) is absent, there’s no resistance to the present moment, and things flow. Then the light body manifests itself, and this manifestation is always a blessing. The expression “light body” describes what exists under the pain body, or more precisely, before it. The less pain body there is at a given moment, the more light body we experience. We adults have many opportunities to feel the light body.