How your Taxpayer Money is Spent

Have you ever wondered where your taxpayer money goes to?

Fair enough, you can observe the amount of construction on the roads since there is either Winter or Construction season here in Canada.  And you can see the odd community centre crop up with recreational, leisure and sports facilities that can be used by local neighbourhoods.  However, other than that, how else is your hard earned tax paying money being spent?
The hidden truth is that this money has been put to a selection of Elite-driven luxury projects, that are headed by the Cabal or the Dark Ones to build underground bunkers all over the world, strategically placed hubs (grid vortexes/portals), underground cities and global high-speed transport infrastructure that only these selected few can use.  Only the A-list, aka a segment of the government leaders, political icons, the 13 Elite families and financial corporation executives are privileged to use these luxury, expensive and top secret facilities, courtesy of the common peoples’ taxpaying hard earned money.  Hollywood movies can be seen as decoys to the truth, sometimes the hollywood movies promote an idea as sci-fi when it fact it is real, and other times they purposely make convoluded movies that many people will not second guess or consider as real just to send us on a wild goose chase.  Meanwhile there is so much going on behind the scenes that the average American or European citizen is not even aware of but which is abusing your tax paying money.

Seek the Truth about the Mayans and the Bermuda Triangle

The mystery of the Mayans and the Bermuda Triangle, and the disappearance of ships and aircraft can be explained now as there are remnants of a synthetic merkaba that was put together by the Martians back in ancient times.  This left over pyramid structure is at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean right under the Bermuda Triangle, and allows people to cross over into other dimensions through this cosmic portal or gateway to another prallel dimension.  View this movie for the truth about humanity and more information on the history of the Bermuda Triangle.

There are a number of undisclosed, hidden and top classified projects that your taxpaying money has funded, these include:

The Secret Luxury Hotel under the Atlantic Ocean (Bermuda Triangle)

The Elite have built an elaborate, grand, luxurious and higher vision hotel that is underground that has been a secret up until now is 50 stories in height and it is 30 stories in breadth. It is massive as far as hotels are concerned in your world. It was designed and it was built by those of your world with great minds and quite expanded vision. This hotel, a playground for the rich, the famous and the successful was built from taxpayer money and secret black projects that have embedded great amounts of wealth within the pockets of those who today garner the title of world controllers and operators.

>> Read more about this top secret hotel under the Atlantic ocean bed

The High-Speed Rail System that the Elite Use to Travel the World

There is a high-speed rail system that has been built by the hands of your labor and your tax dollars at work that connects many major cities and ports of destination all around your globe. This high-speed system of transportation has been designed and built for the pleasure and the luxury of those of your world who call this world their own. It has not been built for its use by the people of your world who have paid for it through their labor and the money that is taken from them through taxation and other means to strip you of your wealth.

This system connects the rich, the famous and the celebrity to anywhere and just about everywhere they wish to travel.

>> Read more about this top secret high-speed rail system



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