About the Awakening

Important Note: This site was first started 11 years ago upon my initial awakening to the fact that I am a SPIRIT IN A HUMAN BODY.  I had received multiple downloads, light codes, sacred gift activation after a couple of NDEs.

Lady Quan Yin is my 12d higher self, ascended master, I am from the starseed family of the andromeda galaxy. I have anchored my home into 5d-12d realm vibration while still living and grounded on 3d mother earth. Lemuria Rising Mission is why I am here. Please contact for more info on how to help the rest of humanity ascend in this planetary shift for Gaia. 💜😇🙏🕊️💚.

Is will be a fruitful meeting when soul family members meet. Just a little about my story as we get to know each other and to show you our parallel stories. Awakened 11 years ago, always lived in 5d consciousness since 5 but straddled unknowingly, then enlightened and anchored home into 5d 7d and 12d at times for 4 months after sacred union ceremony of TF. Last 4 months my journey to ascension sped up so far and so fast with each wave, then last month lots of activations, downloads, light codes have been infinite and divine. That powerful I AM message I received was channeled from source directly having taken me 11 years to get to my inner spirit truth. How about you when it comes to your purpose. The whole process has not been a walk in the park. 7 intense ego deaths.

Lots of content about the hidden truth was written about the collapsing of an old system, an old version of Earth with all it’s old energies of limited beliefs, fear-based thought patterns and programming by dark forces that kept us in a veil of amnesia, fragmented memory recall and an ILLUSION OF FEAR AND SEPARATION.  Leading up to 2012 this was reaching a climax, when the SHIFT began and since then waves of evolution and higher vibrations have been rising upon every cosmic event, new moon, new sun, new year and new era.

Now we are in 2018 and the energies have since shifted even more drastically to a closer NEW EARTH or HEAVEN ON EARTH, as more and more people begin to awaken to the truth that they are a SPIRIT IN A HUMAN.  I am now resurrecting the content on this site and providing more updated content and channeled insights as they become available from my Spirit Guides and Source.  STAY POSTED AS THIS INFORMATION WILL BE COMING DOWN FAST THROUGH LIGHT CODES, ENERGY WAVES, INSIGHTS, MEDITATION ENCOUNTERS, ASTRAL TRAVELING AND FROM THE SOURCE WITHIN.


Once we have enough light quotient on Earth to anchor the 5D LOVE AND LIGHT energies into the core of Mother Earth, then the planet and collective souls of 7.5 billion souls can be FREE TO ELEVATE THEIR VIBRATION as Mother Earth anchors into the new HEAVEN ON EARTH frequency – returning back to her pristine self.  THIS IS THE MAIN EVENT OF THE PLANETARY SHIFT.

HOWEVER, BEFORE THAT, as individuals, we can already elevate our vibration and raise our consciousness by being the LOVE and LIGHT beings that we are, anchoring the vibration of pure UNCONDITIONAL LOVE into the core of Mother Earth through the portals, vortexes and leylines of the planet.

THE AWKWARD TRUTH – the REAL NEWS that you need to know but which the mainstream media will not tell you.  More of the hidden truth is showing itself in the mainstream media, social media outlets and independent truth seekers.  These are not conspiracy theories but a paradigm shift on the old system, the programming of humanity, society and the planet through mind control programs, EMF interference, stratosphere interference satellites and deep rooted fear-based programming.

This is your independent news resource for everything that is happening in the world that really matters to you, the real deal, objective and not subjective, neutral and not bias – critical to your life on Earth, addressing the basic necessities of life.  This news portal brings together the news, media, validated user generated content and more from across the globe.  Like anything on the Internet, please use your own discretion and discernment.

swan flies to freedom

When something is true, it simply feels like an undeniable knowing since these insights and messages come from a Divine Source.

Sometimes the mind is not always true, as it is a perception of old systems, controls and limitations that were set in place by a selected few of the Dark Ones, Cabal, Illuminati, Elite, Secret Service and New World Order.  These dark forces had their own manipulative and evil agenda of instilling fear, creating false scarcity in our natural resources, monopolizing our water, oil, gas and energy supply, tainting our food and pharmaceutical drugs and sabotaging nature and weather systems to create fictitious wars that created a media but very public and perceived “real” frenzy!

We will no longer be slaves to such power and control as we begin to awaken to the hidden truth on all aspects of our lives.  Always question what you are told, do your own research until you find satisfaction in your heart.

Skepticism, complacency and indifference can be your worse enemies.  Fear will keep you stagnant and trapped, Love will free your mind, heart, body and soul.

You deserve the truth, you deserve to be set free, you deserve to witness the life that was promised to you by our Creator.  Heaven on Earth, Abundance to All and Compassionate Love to Replace Money.  IT HAS ARRIVED!

About Pink Tiger Lily

Awaken to the Truth for it will bring you FREEDOM WITHOUT LIMITATIONS.

Once you become awakened by a sudden life changing event, a tragic situation, near death experience or a wake up call, it is very much like a light just went on and for once you have a glimpse into the clarity of what your life is truly about. For that split moment you can see your past, present and future all intertwined and it’s as if you know that things will never be the same again. In fact they would be significantly different but all for the better as you actually realize that your life has an underlying purpose and that you want to live it fully and with meaning! This little seed of light that just got planted is awaiting that defining moment when your conscious and sub-conscious mind both come to the same conclusion that change is needed.

If you think that all these world events, spiritual awakening activity and hidden truth revelations do not concern you, well think again – you are in for a rude awakening. Please just consider the truth about humanity, about your life, your purpose. I am not here to convince you, merely to guide you to the righteous path of truth – that is the light and love that fuels us all as sentient beings.

Hope never left us, can you find it again?

Faith, remember this is what you felt when you were an innocent child of 5

Love, is why you are here

Charity and Compassion, without it we cannot grow


Pink Tiger Lily channels her Higher Self, Lady Quan Yin and Source/One Spirit itself.

Awakened and Enlightened Soul “My search for the missing answer has been found – and the radiant light of God’s love is shining through me that I feel a Freedom with No Limitation.  I have overcome my greatest fears, vulnerabilities and pain in my past and past lives, and have finally learned what everything that has taken place in my life up until this point means and that they have led me to this path of enlightenment.  I have an incline to share my knowledge with the world and to care and help for others which has been with me and in me ever since I was child.  I have the sacred gifts of VISION, all-seeing vision of the polarities, the entire planet, continents, planets, duality imbalances, disharmony and dissonance that needs to be restored.  Assisting in the Planetary Ascension to 5D and beyond.

Pink Tiger Lily’s mission is to help others find the true authentic self and creative potential.  In the grandmaster plan of this SHIFT to the NEW EARTH, I AM A BRIDGE, A PORTAL FROM 3D to 5D…