Tag Archives: divine intervention

What are the Mental, Emotional and Physical Ascension Symptons?

A Personal Account of the Initial Awakening

Once you become awakened by a sudden life changing event, a tragic situation, near death experience or a wake up call, it is very much like a light just went on and for once you have a glimpse into the clarity of what your life is truly about. For that split moment you can see your past, present and future all intertwined and it’s as if you know that things will never be the same again. In fact they would be significantly different but all for the better as you actually realize that your life has an underlying purpose and that you want to live it fully and with meaning! This little seed of light that just got planted is awaiting that defining moment when your conscious and sub-conscious mind both come to the same conclusion that change is needed.


For me I was 32 years old, successful and happy in all other areas of my life but unknowingly in a loveless relationship with somebody that was slowly draining every last energy out of me. It was the furthest thing from a thriving, healthy and loving relationship that didn’t even have a deep and meaningful love connection present as it was a one sided affair of me giving and giving, and the other person not even recognizing the love to be able to receive and reciprocate it – therefore the taking and taking of my love left me pretty empty to say the least. My initial awakening was actually dormant or at least subconscious as I was on an amazing glacier in the Canadian Rockies – where 3 of the world’s oceans were fed by this magnificent source of water – it was an epic moment of clarity – and a powerful feeling of true freedom with no stress in my life.
When I returned back to my home and saw my partner, my energy had been recharged as the awakening experience had left me on a natural high that I felt a burst of positive excitement and freedom. We had a brief discussion about spicing things up in our pretty stagnant relationship, to which he said something to me that was able to literally make my spirits and energy go from mountain high drop down drastically to sub-zero. This was the defining moment I needed that allowed my experience on the glacier to come to fruition – I had to make a brave and courageous move to initiate this change that would literally change my life. So I therefore ended our relationship, and literally changed ever aspect of my life when it came to my work, my house, my car and outlook on life. I never looked back since then!
I realized that I had been living my life in automatic mode, going along with the day-to-day challenges and demands of life without realizing that I was not actually living a fruitful, conscious and fulfilled life that emphasized my natural creativity and complemented my native passions. I came to the realization that for the past 7-9 years I had let my own life interests and creative gifts get buried, stifled and stagnated along with my zest for life – so I decided that I was now going to resume my love for music, cars, travel, landscape art/photography, helping others and connecting with people.

My Journey to Enlightenment Began…and Ascension Followed

Now that the light had been switched on I was constantly seeking clarity, meaning and the underlying truth of why humans were on this beautiful Mother Earth. I felt something deep inside me trigger the thought that our creativity is a natural form of expressing our inner most passion – and knew that I wanted to inspire people with my creativity and vast insight on how to live a life of true meaning. Something switched on inside of me as I wanted to also help others to find their inner most happiness and to enrich their lives significantly. This would then allow me to make this world a better place, one person at a time.


I continued to live a more meaningful life and started to become much more in touch with nature, and my ability to visualize and predict future occurrences and events based on my intuition and gut instinct began to peak. My empathy switch was off the charts, as I literally sensed people’s positive and negative energy – and was deeply effected by their experiences as if it was my own.
Over a year or so later I stumbled upon my true love, my special someone, one of my soul mates if not my twin soul. There was an automatic heart and soul connection that our minds couldn’t understand at the time. He literally was my other half, and I was his. He was the masculine version of me, and I was his feminine version to say the least. Not only did we share the same common interests, but also same energy level for life, same passionate goals in wanting to help heal others and very similar core values and upbringing. Discovering true love allowed me to open my heart fully – as I was able to love unconditionally and without judgement. So much that to experience true love is to experience a freedom that is incomparable to anything else. With this no limitation love, those feelings of fear and vulnerability are overcome. The ego is given up as this love is out of service to another rather than service to one’s self. It made me realize that we are all united as one, we are all from the same source of life, the creator and that we too are creative expressions of the creator’s love for us.
This true love brought be back to the light and even closer to God. It made me awaken to the fact that I can have a very intimate relationship with God regardless of the religious practices that are enforced by the man-made religions. I began to experience phases of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual changes in my life. They would happen in different waves. Gradually I felt all of my chakras beginning to open up, and my internal GPS was completely activated and that inner sense of just knowing, and feeling something is right or wrong – and that the right brain has become even more prominent to the point of learning something new and adapting to a new concept, language or process (just like somebody with autism who has an overactive right brain – we should not ridicule these blessed and creative people).
I could feel each of my chakras begin to open up, starting from my root chakra – I used to get a sore feeling around my ankles, right by my Achilles tendon. And then I could feel the energy rise up to my sacral chakra, through my solar plexus and through my heart chakra (this one took a while to clear – like 2 years), through to my throat, third eye and crown chakras. These activations saw me having daily inner messages flowing through from my higher self – every night between 3-6am I wouldn’t be able to sleep but instead find myself to be most creative. These seemed to stop once I had cleansed my heart chakra out when I happened to take part in an intense session of Moksha yoga. Once a chakra open and activated the process is not necessarily sequential from chakra 1-7, on a given day I may have one more active than another. My current plan is to try to keep all chakras active in my conscious life, and to also tap into the 8th and 9th chakras.

An Outline of Some My Ascension Changes and “Symptoms”

Mental / Mind / Third Eye Chakra

  1. Increased ability to visualize trends, interconnections and use of intuition on objects, situations and events
  2. Developed into a very deep thinker with the ability to tap into my intuition
  3. Wanting to work for myself so that I could exchange my own professional skillsets and natural gifts or talents for an underlying cause, for the greater good of humanity
  4. Became less gullible and wanting to always seek the truth or unveil the hidden reason behind everything
  5. My creative bursts became more prominent and usually between 10pm – 2am and then 3-5am where I would come across amazing ideas in my head to promote creative ways to inspire and message people to attain a more meaningful life
  6. Many random and past memories from my life would surface in my thoughts and dreams, but when trying to get a conscious grip on my thoughts or dreams would normally result in me forgetting what I was visualizing
  7. My childhood interest of astronomy resurfaced into a much more powerful desire – as I felt comfort in seeing the stars, planets and cosmic show at night – felt like I was from there
  8. I was more conscious of signs, coincidences, messages, inner voices and my stronger intuition
  9. Able to connect all the dots between events and experiences in my life with what was happening in the grander scheme of things, namely on a global front and in humanity
  10. Not wanting to watch the news, TV or anything that was driven by mass media and marketing, TV quality had seriously declined with tacky and shallow “reality” shows that did not stimulate ones creative or complex thinking
  11. New visions appeared when I close my eyes and am in half asleep dozing off state. Intricate and detailed violet 3d images and patterns of different shades and tones of purple and light purple materialized
  12. The daily 3-6am wake up call, an open connection with a higher power or my higher self as answers are presented to me in thoughts without script or structure that automatically materialize leading me to think, talk or write uncontrollably and to then validate my feelings, predictions and my pursuit for the truth. Intuition and sensing is intensified as my messages begin to unfold and my purpose is clearly revealed triggering off a strong sense of exploration, research and discovery
  13. An innate connection with cosmic activity, planet alignments and visibility, solar flares and energy bursts, stars and moon rising/li>;
  14. Lots of ah ha moments on aspects of society or about the way we were meant to live didn’t seem natural or right. For example certain foods, chemicals, aspartame, flu shot, pharma vaccines that I actually made you sick, chemtrails, racism, survival, war, myths, misleading truth from world leaders, religion and all. I never understood why we couldn’t all just get along
  15. My thoughts began to appear as music titles, hymns and songwriter icons that included “Shine Jesus Shine”, “Imagine”, “Is this Love” and many more
  16. Stronger third eye activity and much more visual images when in astral body, on the verge of dosing off. Could make out clear violet, lilac shade images. Very clearly defined patterns, sacred geometry in one phase of patterns and then disintegrating gas patterns that seemed to expand and retract as of they were breathing. I could see these images even when eyes were opened too.


Emotional / Heart Chakra / Sacral Chakra

  1. Ability to feel other people’s energies – positive and negative, my empathy is so strong I can feel their pain as if it was my own
  2. Higher sensitive of all five senses plus the sixth one became stronger than ever and in every life situation
  3. Was able to separate my thoughts, words and feelings from my mind versus that of my gut instinct, solar plexus and heart. This enabled to know whether something originated from my mind (ego, logic, controlled, rational, technical, sequential, system) or my heart (creative, feeling, sensing, organic, natural)
  4. Wanting to get away from busy and crowded places as the draining of positive energy was unbearable
  5. Feeling the need to be free, breakaway from any system, rule, boundary or limitation
  6. Feeling the need to look behind the surface, see through something or someone as to the hidden truth, their real feeling through their eyes, or to question any mass media information to validate the truth, that felt right in my solar plexus
  7. Wanting to listen to epic instrumental music and inspiring creations such as Hammock, new age and live guitar and piano music as a way to meditate and get into the zone of being in the moment and to get in touch with my inner feelings
  8. Feeling an even stronger bond with God, and the feeling that this higher power was within me through prayers, thoughts and self reflection
  9. I saw the clarity of how religion was a man made institution and control, and was able to differentiate between God-driven and divine love versus the man made doctrines that always did feel out of place and not natural

Physical Changes

  1. Feeling of vibrations of my whole body in the middle of the night, usually around 3am – waking up in bed feeling like it was shaking. At the time it felt like the room was revolving around me and I was shaking in the middle of my bed. I couldn’t tell whether outside was shaking so I would take a look outside the window but everything else seemed calm.
  2. Feeling like something crawling over my skin, random itches and rashes on my left elbow and left hip
  3. Feeling wired as if I had just had a rush of adrenaline
  4. Hearing buzzing in my left ear on random occasions, sometimes in bed and sometimes when preparing food in the kitchen
  5. Hearing a gushing sound at the back of my neck as if I can hear the blood or warm energy move down from my head to my back
  6. Severe headache that would make my eyes hurt when open, on one occasion my pituitary gland would pound and on another my pineal gland would feel strained
  7. My right side of the head would occasionally thump and feel tense
  8. When closing my eyes I would see flashing purple, white or blue light, 3D patterns and vague images – I feel movement that makes me dizzy
  9. Needing to breath deeply, exhale harder and take extended long breaths to refresh my cells and feel rejuvenated
  10. Feeling warm energy traveling inside my heart and chest area as if the warm qi or circulation is being felt much more
  11. Left eye flickering and then randomly itches
  12. Random itching on skin all over arms, legs and extremities but they come and go in phases. Apparently this is the calibration of the new vibrations within the body as it adjusts to the mutated DNA to a lighter body.
  13. I am starting to get turned off the smell and taste of meat. Although I have needed to eat meat since I am anemic, but hopefully I will overcome any health issues as my body evolves.
  14. Gained some weight around the belly area, this should be temporary since I haven’t been active due to the car accident I had back in September.

Awakening to the Truth in the 2012 Shift

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What was the First Incarnation of Humanity

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How to Find the Answers Once You Awaken to the Truth

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