Why Aspartame, Red Bull, the Flu Shot are Dangerous

Remember that saying, you are what you eat and that you should be mindful and very conscious about what you choose to put into your body, as food has the ability to nurture or kill you.

Don’t forget the underlying purpose of eating is to nurture and nourish our bodies with all the vital nutrients, vitamins and minerals that allow the bodily systems to function properly, and for the energy properties in food to get effectively distributed to our every organ, cell, muscle, joint and endocrine systems.

Last week I had posted an article on Why the Food System is Killing Us Slowly.  Today’s article outlines 5 of the most dangerous foods, drinks or substances that are mass marketed to you as being “safe” and in some cases “healthy” for you.

How is it that we are being poisoned by what we eat?  This is the raw truth about your perceived reality, and how you have been kept in the dark about what is good or bad for you when it comes to consuming food, drink and substances that are supposed to help your body function optimally.

For more on eating a balanced nutritious and wholesome diet, please read What is Balance on your Fork?

The following is an evolving list of 5 of the most LETHAL SUBSTANCES or COMPOUNDS that you can put into your body through food, medication or “health drinks”.

#1 Aspartame is lethal to your health and can cause brain damage, endocrine disruption.

Aspartame can be found in a large selection of diet soda drinks, some yogurts, flavoured water, artificial sweeteners, sugar-free chewing gum and more.  Aspartame itself is a dangerous toxin as it contains aspartic acid and phenylalanine which forms a compound that has a sweet taste.  It was not properly tested on humans before getting approved by both European and North American food safety boards.  And voila it has made its appearance in many of our sugar-free, low-fat and diet branded foods today.  There have been several cases of Aspartame causing neurological brain damage, cancerous tumors, and endocrine disruption, among other things.  Read more about the specific dangers of Aspartame at http://worldtruth.tv/aspartame-has-been-renamed-and-is-now-being-marketed-as-a-natural-sweetener/.

If you must drink that occasional soda drink, then go ahead but you would be better off drinking a regular non-diet one (for that odd occasion) rather than the diet sugar-free kind that contains Aspartame.  Also when it comes to Aspartame in most popular brand chewing gums, the implications are even more detrimental to your health. Aspartame in chewing gum is absorbed directly though the buccal mucosa of the tongue, mouth, and gums, making it a far worse poisoning than even if it were given intravenously. The nerves serving this area and their vascular supply derive directly from the brain, so the Aspartame absorbed through them goes directly into the brain, by passing the spinal cord and blood brain barrier.

The intact Aspartame molecule and its diketopiperazine form are vastly worse poisonings than any of the other poisonings which arise from it during digestion, and liver processing of the digestive blood, which is delivered directly to the liver via the portal vein. The other poisonings, as mentioned, are indeed horrendous but Aspartame from gum is far worse, making even the smaller amounts contained in chewing gum strikingly dangerous and damaging.

Aspartame, via ingestion into the digestive tract, is made into some ten other poisonings by the digestive processes, and then excepting that which is delivered directly to the pancreas, they are transported straight to the liver via the portal vein, where they then are very partially dealt with, and partially reprocessed. Afterwards, they are sent in somewhat lesser concentration to the entire body, lessening the amount which eventually goes to the brain. The amount getting to the brain from either source is devastating to it in many ways. Aspartame is most certainly devastatingly toxic when ingested, but a like amount is immensely worse when obtained from chewing gum.  Read more about the medical effects of Aspartame and any other artificial sweeteners that are put into our food supply: http://www.sweetpoison.com/aspartame-sweeteners.html

#2 Fluoride in some tap water supplies and in your toothpaste can be damaging to your health.

In some of the public water systems that are feeding distributions to tap water there are traces of fluoride byproducts and deposits that are leaking in to the fresh water supply from some of the fertilizers (toxic waste and bioactive chemical substance) that are being used in modern agricultural farming.  And in some cases fluoride is added to the public water systems for drinking as a way to help with tooth decay prevention.  This is an ineffective method for humans to use fluoride for dental purposes and can have severe consequences to one’s health.

Although you have fluoride in your toothpaste to help preserve the enamel and to strengthen your teeth, it would need to be natural fluoride in order to be effective and literally rubbed on to your teeth and not swallowed since it is topical the same way sun tan protection is applied topically.  The Fluoride content in water could be toxic and harmful to infants and children, and the fluoride in toothpaste if swallowed in large amounts would be detrimental to one’s health regardless of age.

Some of the reasons as to why fluoride is dangerous is because the dosage levels cannot be controlled through the water supply, fluoride deposits tend to accumulate in the kidneys causing blockages and chronic kidney disease among many other negative effects to your body functions.  It also has major effects to the brain as it can lower your IQ, cause brain damage and cause non-IQ neurotoxic effects as well as cause thyroid dysfunction, pineal gland problems and arthritis and bone density disorders.

#3 Flu shot and other vaccinations can trigger neurological brain damage and disrupts one’s natural defence mechanism.

Many of the vaccinations given to young children still contain levels of thimerosal (FDA admitted to the myth in a recent report: http://worldtruth.tv/fda-admits-in-court-case-that-vaccines-still-contain-mercury/ , which is composed of a 50% mercury-based preservative used to suppress immune system responses.  Many people have falsely believed that thimerosal is not even included in vaccines anymore, which is leading them to blindly allow them to be administered to their children.

Administering these vaccinations to our children as immunization jabs is a way for the Elite few on top to take control of the health and welfare of our offspring.  They can use the negative effects of the mercury content to degrade our children’s health, make them more supsceptible to allergies, chemical sensitives and dysfunctional immune systems.  They can also cause long-term negative effects to the brain functions over a progressive period of time – which disturbingly means they are slowly killing our children’s minds and bodies.

Thimerosal is a widely used vaccine preservative that is present in the majority of flu shots and other vaccines. Thimerosal is 49% mercury by volume, an extremely toxic chemical element that wreaks havoc on the nervous system, neurological function, and overall biological function [1]. Each dose of flu vaccine contains around 25 micrograms of thimerosalover 250 times the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit of exposure.

Mercury, a neurotoxin, is especially damaging to undeveloped brains. Considering that 25 micrograms of mercury is considered unsafe by the EPA for any human under 550 pounds, the devastating health effects of mercury on a developing fetus are truly concerning.  For more information on the excessive levels of mercury in the flu shot: http://worldtruth.tv/flu-shots-have-more-than-250x-epa-mercury-safety-limit/

There have been several incidents reported of healthy individuals that have taken the flu shot who have then developed a variety of brain neurological disorders, immune dysfunctions and more.  One example about a 24 year old young woman that was a cheerleader, she took the flu shot and shortly after developed Dystonia:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGT0r-udstQ

#4  Red Bull has dangerous implications to your heart and central nervous system.

“Red Bull gives you wings” say the commercials.  But it turns out that misusing energy drinks, including the industry leader Red Bull, can give you health problems as well.

The premise sounds good – drinking a beverage that gives you extra energy, and nowadays, who can’t use a little extra energy?  Energy drinks have become a 1.1 Billion dollar industry with all of the major producers, and most of the smaller ones, jumping to get a piece of the action.  Containing dangerous levels of taurine, caffeine and many other synthetic chemicals, this should NOT BE something any of us should be drinking.  http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2011/10/06/dangers-of-energy-drinks_n_997610.html

Targeted primarily to teens and young adults, energy drinks combine varying amounts of caffeine, vitamins, sugar, and other ingredients such as taurine and ginseng.  Most energy drinks have the same amount of caffeine as 1-2 cups of coffee.  Red Bull in particular has the equivalent of 1 cup of coffee, Jolt Cola the equivalent of about 3 cups.

There has been an increase in unexpected strokes and heart attacks in 25 – 35 year old males who have typically lived a healthy and active lifestyle.  http://www.citytv.com/toronto/citynews/life/health/article/4142–use-of-red-bull-linked-to-heart-attack-and-stroke-risk-study and http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-561711/Supermarket-worker-dies-heart-attack-drinking-cans-Red-Bull.html

 #5 Genetically Modified Food is killing you softly, slowly but surely

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are organisms that have been mutated, manipulated and synthetically created within our food supply used at the stage of cropping, seeding and agricultural farm factories.  GMO is unethical and breaks the natural barriers of the genetic make up which should be protected to preserve the natural, bio-diversity and organic nature of the species, plant life, crops and grains.  GMO has come under much scrutiny in Europe, and in many countries it is banned.  However, in North America, the guidelines against GMO are not as strict, defined or complied to for the protection of human health and the lives of these species.

Why be concerned? One of many good reasons is that these laboratory-created mutations are unlabeled, virtually untested and on grocery shelves everywhere.  Have you ever wondered why there are more cases of prostrate and breast cancers occurring in our men and women respectively, and why more child-bearing women are developing new sensitivities to dairy, growth hormones in meat andthe countless synthetic chemicals and unnatural processes that these food types are subjected to in the mass production process of our food supply?  Why are there more children with allergies in the playground that they are known as “the no peanut boy” and the “no dairy girl”.  With all these external factors and foreign chemicals being introduced to our human bodies, it is no wonder that the body does not know how to break it down metabolically, and how to properly oxidize it internally without leaving free radicals that can reak havoc on healthy cells, cause immune dysfunctions and increase our supsectibility to cancer, genetic disorders and more.

Say No To GMOs! supports mandatory labeling, long-term independent safety testing, more stringent regulation and full corporate liability for damages resulting from the irresponsible introduction of GMOs to the food supply and environment.  Read this publication on 10 reasons to not eat GM food: http://www.saynotogmos.org/10reasons_need.pdf



