Why are they Poisoning and Killing Us?

There are several ways in which the evil Elite group and dark Illuminati segments of the government, political world leaders and financial corporation leaders have attempted to and are still trying to reduce the world’s population from 7 Billion down to 500,000 – this has been happening for hundreds and thousands of years ever since the beginning of linear time as know it.
This Elite group aka the Cabal have already built their underground cities all across the globe at your expense (taxes), one of them is an exclusive A-list hotel resort under the Bermuda Triangle: http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/message-from-galactic-federation-of_25.html.  They have also built their own underground high-speed shuttle train that is faster than any airline travel we have experienced, more on this can be found: http://ascension2012andbeyond.com/highspeed-rail-system/

Meanwhile there have been several attempts to kill off 2/3 or 4/5 of the world population so that they can enjoy the power, natural resources and luxuries of life for themselves.  The following are 7 ways in which this Cabal are trying to kill us off:

#1. Chemtrails in our skies containing lethal levels of aluminum oxide, barium and other dangerous metal chemical substances that destroy your natural immune system, causes neurological disorders, strokes and has contributed to an increase in Alzheimer’s disease.


#2. Fluoride in our drinking water, which is dangerous to your health if ingested as it can weaken your natural immune system, causes neurological disorders, strokes and has contributed to pineal gland dysfunction.


#3. Tainted pharmaceutical drugs, flu shot vaccinations and man-made diseases with high levels of mercury that causes neurological disorders, strokes, polio and brain motor skill conditions in adults and making our children so sick with allergies, asthma, special conditions, chemical sensitivities, autism and much more.


#4. Weather sabotage, misusing Tesla innovative technology for malevolent purposes to cause earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, drastic weather systems and volcanoes on unsuspecting victims (countries) that are politically and financially weak or are determined by political status of such countries including China. Indonesia. Haiti, etc.


#5. Nuclear Weapon attacks on Middle East and China to start a False-Flag War and Fictitious War on Terrorism.  Nuclear missle attacks that have been previously intercepted, if they had not been stopped, we would not be here to tell the story as Earth and all life on its beautiful planet would cease to exist – becoming an unliveable planet like Mars (that was previously liveable) or blown away and vaporized into a billion particles.



#6. Genetically modified grain in our food supply, forcing all farmers to accept this GMO designed crop (since the chemtrails have killed off any other organic grain and crop).  This is slowly degrading our health, causing chemical sensitivities, allergies, immune deficiencies and much more.


#7. Harmful chemicals in our personal hygiene products, cosmetics, children toys and household cleaners.  Lead in lipstick and in eye liners can be dangerous if it comes into contact with your mouth (in terms of swallowing) and eyes respectively.
